
IELTS Small-Group Classes

IELTS group classes are suitable for those who are seeking fundamental knowledge of the testing system and training and


IELTS Individual Classes

Our IELTS individual classes are specially designed for students who need one-on-one guidance and training to achieve high


Online Classes

We understand that some students may not be able to travel to our institution to follow courses. As a result, we are introducing


Spoken English

Many Sri Lankan students find spoken English a huge obstacle due to personal and social factors. Our experienced teachers can


English Lessons for Kids

"Earlier the Better" is a rule that applies to learning languages as well. Students who start learning English from a young age


English Lessons for Beginners

Learning English can be a daunting task for beginners. We have carefully designed English lessons for beginners to learn the


Advance Level Lessons

We have created English lessons for moderate-level students who are aspiring to further improve their understanding


Personal Development & Soft Skills

Communication requires many skills in addition to mastering languages. Our Personal Development and Soft Skills


Language Classes

Edify offers a range of language courses including French, Japanese, and Chinese that have been carefully structured to ensure

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